
Specialists in Residence on Assured Income Permit ( Residence by Investment / Golden Visa Immigration Programme )


This Privacy Policy details how immigratetofiji.com collects, uses, stores and discloses personal information about our clients and potential clients,and third party service providers associated with our business.

We, immigratetofiji.com, respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information.

Personal information means any information about an individual by which that person can be identified.

We collect personal information directly from you for the purpose of effective service delivery. We collect information through forms filled out by you, supporting documentation and through email and phone communication.

During the course of our work, we will collect personal information submitted by you including but not limited to the following: your name, age, physical and email addresses, financial information, your employment details eg job title and company ownership and location details, identity documents of all persons included in an application and any other case specific information we deem necessary.

You must ensure that all information submitted to us is true,accurate and current.

We will use your information for the preparation of your application, for responding to your enquiries, for billing and for referrals to third party service providers for the purposes connected with an application. Third party service providers may include real estate professionals, legal and tax professionals, New Zealand Government owned translation service or other relevant service providers.

We will obtain consent from you prior to the release of information to third party service providers.

We only collect and hold information that is necessary for effective service delivery in respect of an application.

Any information collected by us will be held securely at our premises in Birkenhead, North Shore, Auckland 0626, New Zealand.

You understand and accept that no online data transmission is totally secure irrespective of the security measures taken by us. No security software or feature can be guaranteed as totally secure.

We will retain all your digital and hard copy information for a period of 6 years in accordance with New Zealand regulatory requirements. Following that period it will be deleted or returned to you.

You are entitled to request the return of all hard copy personal information held by us at any time and may do so in writing by contacting us via email.

By using our services and providing your personal information to us, you consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information held by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy.