
Specialists in Residence on Assured Income Permit ( Residence by Investment / Golden Visa Immigration Programme )

Specialists in Residence on Assured Income Permit ( Residence by Investment / Golden Visa Immigration Programme )

Escape to Paradise
Fiji Awaits You

Having a second home in a foreign country is a wise move that offers security and peace of mind.

Under the ‘ Residence on Assured Income Permit’ (Residence by Investment/ Golden Visa) programme, Fiji offers a unique opportunity for High Net Worth Individuals and wealthy retirees to purchase luxury properties or invest in long term fund deposits and obtain permanent residence and citizenship. Detailed information about the above immigration programme is available in our specially prepared Pre Application Information Guide.

Fiji has long captured the imagination of those seeking sun, sand and an idyllic lifestyle. A sultry tropical climate, relaxed lifestyle, lush flora and fauna, luscious, succulent tropical fruits, vegetables and seafood; Fiji offers it all. Nature’s bounty knows no limits.

For adventure seekers, Fiji offers a range of activities, ranging from hiking, snorkelling and diving, surfing, zip lining, river tubing, white water rafting and kayaking, day cruising, reef and fishing tours….., the list goes on. You will never be bored in Fiji.

Fiji’s stunning natural beauty has made it one of the best tropical locations in the world. It is not surprising that the country has long attracted Hollywood film productions to its shores dating as far back as the 1950s. More recently, film and TV production crews from Hollywood, Bollywood and further afield have chosen to film in Fiji, attracted by highly favourable incentives and tax breaks.

Where is Fiji located?

Fiji is located in the Southwest Pacific approximately 2100 km north of Auckland New Zealand and east of Australia. It is only a short flight away from New Zealand (3 hours) and Australia (approximately 4 hours to the eastern seaboard). It has around 330 islands spread across 498 000 square kilometers.

It is the largest island in the Pacific and given its location has become the crossroads of air and sea travel between North America and Australia - New Zealand. It is the hub of the region.

It is no wonder that Fiji is one of the world’s most desirable island destinations. Many wish to live here but only the lucky few can afford to do so. High Net Worth investors are flocking to invest in the country under the Residence on Assured Income Permit (Residence by Investment /Golden Visa programme).

Luxury lifestyle

Driven by a surge in interest and investment from the worlds’ wealthy, Fiji is currently experiencing high growth in the luxury lifestyle sector. The well heeled have been seduced by Fiji’s beauty and charming way of life.

The construction of several high end residential development projects around the country is raising Fiji’s international profile among High Net Worth Investors. Standalone houses and apartments, often in gated communities are residences of choice for investors. More enterprising investors can purchase freehold land and construct their own dwellings.

Fiji has been steadily developing a growing prominence in the superyacht industry largely due to the development of several deep water ports around the western and northern parts of the country. These ports are especially designed to accommodate the large yachts and superyachts of the world’s elite. Fiji’s yachting industry has also been actively creating further awareness of the country's potential by exhibiting at the prestigious Monaco Yacht show.

Unsurprisingly, Fiji has managed to attract some of the world’s biggest names to its shores.

Uber luxurious private island tourism is another growing trend in Fiji. Capitalizing on the immense potential of the country’s numerous tiny, uninhabited, pristine islands,enterprising hoteliers have developed private island boutique hotels catering to the world’s wealthiest. Whole islands are at the guests' disposal and transfers from the mainland are by private plane or helicopter.

Friendly locals

Fiji’s unique charm lies in the friendliness and warmth of its people. Fiji is the ‘home of happiness’ and it truly is one of the most happiest societies in the world. No matter where you travel in the country, you will be greeted with a big smile and a loud enthusiastic ‘Bula”( hello). Fiji is the land of the big Bula smile.

The local culture is very family oriented and children are particularly adored and cherished. Traditional culture still predominates every aspect of life for the country’s two major ethnic groups; Indians and native Fijians (known as iTaukei). Both ethnic groups take great pride in maintaining and practicing aspects of their respective cultures.

Fijians take religion very seriously and many people are deeply religious. Indians are predominantly Hindus while a minority are Muslims,Christians and Sikhs. The native iTaukei Fijians are predominantly Protestant Christians.

Foreigners are warmly welcomed and considered ‘Vuvale’ ( iTaukei Fijian word for family). You too, will be considered family from the moment you arrive and will feel right at home.

Fiji is the ultimate destination and the possibilities are endless.

What we offer
Our Services

We are an online only boutique Immigration Consultancy based in Auckland, New Zealand. We provide advice,assistance and guidance in all aspects of the ‘Residence on Assured Income Permit.’ ( Residence by Investment / Golden Visa programme).

Our relationship with industry contacts and associated professionals in Fiji ensures that our clients get a high standard of prompt and professional service delivery.

Service Image

Immigration Advisory

We understand that navigating the complexities of the immigration process under the 'Residence on Assured Income Permit'.

Immigration Advisory

We understand that navigating the complexities of the immigration process under the 'Residence on Assured Income Permit'.

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Real Estate Assistance

We simplify your real estate search. We work with a team of licensed real estate agents in Fiji specializing in luxury properties.

Real Estate Assistance

We simplify your real estate search. We work with a team of licensed real estate agents in Fiji specializing in luxury properties.

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Investment Advisory

Investing in property in any foreign country is a major undertaking. It is therefore crucial to proceed judiciously in order to avoid any pitfalls.

Investment Advisory

Investing in property in any foreign country is a major undertaking. It is therefore crucial to proceed judiciously in order to avoid any pitfalls.

About immigratetofiji.com
A Boutique Immigration Consultancy Based in Auckland

We understand the importance of a smooth and stress-free immigration experience, and we are committed to providing exceptional service and support to our clients achieve their dream of living and investing in Fiji.
Our founder, Angela Maharaj, was born and educated in Fiji and New Zealand. With her degree in Sociology from The University of Auckland and extensive work experience as a Paralegal specializing in Immigration at an Auckland law firm, she has the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the immigration process with ease.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

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Angela Maharaj, Founder of immigratetofiji.com

What is the Golden Visa Programme?

Golden Visa programmes also known as ‘Residence or Citizenship by Investment’ programmes are designed to attract wealthy individuals to make substantial investments in property or long term fund deposits in order to obtain residency and citizenship in a foreign country.

The Steps of
Recruitment Process
Step 01

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Step 02

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Step 03

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Step 04

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Question & Answer

Check our FAQs for quick answers to frequently asked questions we receive.

What is the Golden Visa Programme?

Golden Visa programmes also known as ‘Residence or Citizenship by Investment’ programmes are designed to attract wealthy individuals to make substantial investments in property or long term fund deposits in order to obtain residency and citizenship in a foreign country.

Why live in Fiji?

Fiji is a premium travel destination. It is also a much sought after destination of choice for the lucky few who are able to afford international property investment. It is rapidly gaining increased interest from foreign investors seeking a second home. High end luxury properties are being constructed all across the country as investor numbers increase.

Who can apply for Residence on Assured Income Permit (Golden Visa Programme)?

This category is specifically aimed at wealthy retirees and High Net Worth Individuals aged 45 years and over.

Why do I need the services of an Immigration Consultant?

The immigration process is a very serious undertaking that is governed by laws specific to each country. It is widely assumed that Fiji has a simple, straightforward and easy immigration process given its size. Rest assured it is not. Prospective applicants may be unaware of pre-requirements that are not usually officially publicized. Each case is different and we customize our services to reflect this. Applications filed incorrectly, without all the necessary supporting documentation and information will result in delays or an unsatisfactory outcome which may cost dearly. We aim to ease the uncertainty and concerns that prospective migrants may have. We boost an applicant’s chances of a successful outcome by applying specialist knowledge and experience to each case.

What is the Pre Application Information Guide?

Applicants seeking further information about eligibility criteria and requirements will need to request our specially prepared information guide (POA). The guide contains detailed advice and information needed to determine an applicant’s eligibility for application under the above category.

Is it safe for women to live on their own in Fiji?

Fiji is generally a safe place. A woman on her own would be just fine if she chose to live in a closed community with security such as a gated community. Luxury properties in Fiji are usually located in gated communities with excellent security.